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必修2 Module2核心单词拓展单词阅读单词

2022-01-20| 来源:互联网| 查看: 317| 评论: 0

摘要: 必修2Module2核心单词拓展单词阅读单词核心单词1.drugn.毒品;药品2.cancern.癌症3.reducevt.减少4.nearbyadj.附近的5......
必修2 Module2核心单词拓展单词阅读单词
1.drug n.毒品;药品
2.cancer n.癌症
3.reduce vt.减少
4.nearby adj.附近的
5.likely adj.可能的
6.adult n.成人
7.ban vt.禁止
8.affect vt.影响;对……有坏影响 [语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1.We all know that smoking affects(affect) our health.
2.New research finds smokers are 53% more likely(likely) to divorce than nonsmokers.
3.He was banned(ban) from driving for three years because of the accident he caused.

4.Many of the adults(adult) said they also felt addicted to their own phones.


5.The number of unemployment has been reduced (reduce) by 10 percent in the past few years.
拓展单词 1.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 vt.使上瘾→addiction n.瘾,入迷,嗜好→addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的
2.danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的→endanger vt.危及
3.power n.力量;权力→powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的
4.crime n.罪行;犯罪行为→criminal n.罪犯 [语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1.He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.So I told him driving fast was dangerous and if he didn't slow down,he would endanger our lives.(danger)
2.He liked playing online games so much that it didn't take him long to become addicted to them.The addiction to games is taking over his life.So he is really a game addict.(addict)
拓展单词 5.connect v.联系;连接→connection n.联系;关系;关联
6.legal adj.合法的→illegal adj.违法的;不合法的
7.treat vt.治疗;对待→treatment n.治疗
8.disagree vi.不同意;意见不合→disagreement n.不同意
9.participate v.参加;参与→participant n.参与者;参加者
10.recognise vt.认识;认知;认出→recognition n.认出;识别 3.After he came to power,everyone said he was a powerful man.But now,everything has changed.(power)
4.He received a medical treatment in the hospital and was well treated by doctors and nurses,so he recovered very quickly.(treat)
5.Although all people could participate in the activity,most of the participants were young people.(participate)
6.They said they disagreed with our view.As a matter of fact,their disagreement was due to a misunderstanding.(disagree)
1.cigarette n.香烟
2.tobacco n.烟草;烟丝
3.cocaine n.可卡因
4.inject vt.注射
5.needle n.(注射用的)针;针管6.burglary n.盗窃;窃案 7.café n.咖啡馆;餐馆
8.horrible adj.令人不快的
9.leaflet n.传单
10.distraction  n.分心;分散注意力
11.jogging n.慢跑
12.gymnastic adj.体操的
1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six are stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.获得承认的
2.(2018·浙江卷)Among the bag makers' arguments:many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport.禁令
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